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  • Signals -
    Realtime recordings of persons using their mouse are layered ontop of...
  • COLAB Art and Architecture, Bangalore Two-person show with Christoph Schäfer, who lives and works in Hamburg, Germany. Not long ago, architectural modernism presented the glass facade as equivalent to participation and empathy with the
  • Changes of State -
    Elgin Talkies is a 110-year old theatre in Shivaji Nagar. This electrical installation, mostly held up with cellotape and binding wire and reconfigured almost every day, was up for 5 evenings at the theatre and on the street outside it. The
    A specially commissioned gallery installation for, Art & money Online held at Tate, Britain in March 2001 and curated by Julian Stallabrass -based on our webwork In CNN Interactive just got more interactive artists Jon
  • Motorised measuring tapes, kinect tracking systems, computers, cameras, thermal printer, custom-made hardware and software dimensions variable Rows of motorised measuring tapes record the amount of time that visitors stay in the installation. As a
  • Installation view at The Eleventh Bienal de la Habana, Havana, Cuba, 2012. "Last Breath" is a robotic installation that stores and circulates the breath of a person forever, between a bellows and a brown paper bag. The apparatus is automatically
  • Combining public art with mobile technology, Mexican-Canadian artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer presented the world premiere of "Open Air," Sept. 20 - Oct. 14, 2012. Commissioned by the Association for Public Art, "Open Air" is a spectacular interactive
  • The Savant Guard -
    The Savant Guard is a public art commission for the city of Pasadena, California. Since its opening in July 2006 it is one of the few outdoor, publicly accessible "interactive" artowrks in the US. This project is a collaboration between myself
  • Extruder -
    The automobile is a fascinating machine. Since its inception the automobile has driven us faster and faster into the future. Carving out the modern world, it has done brilliantly, reproducing itself by the multi-millions. Along the way it has
  • Sleep Walking -
    ... our experience of reality through agency. Robots...