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  • All you can see -
    ...With common video formats, almost 17 million different colours can theoretically be represented on the screen today. If these are shown all at...
  • Microvenus -
    ... living art. His aim is the investigation of possibilities of communication with aliens and the search of longliving informaiton...
  • London Dig
    ...London Dig is composed of four 42 inch plasma screens arranged in a rectangular array of two by two screens, creating a larger single image. The...
  • Torso
    ...k using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources for two of the monitors, one prerecorded...
  • ... large scale publicly sited immersive interactive installation composed of two parts. The first part is encountered on entering the...
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    ... the Century. History has also shown that the evolution of computer science has tended towards collective action: the dream of a...
  • reWrite
    ... raise questions concerning being and, through the process of communication, the linguistic foundations of identity. Art is the...
  • Pulsate (Ear on the Wall)(2007) Sachiko Kodama Collaborator: Minako Takeno In a white room a table, chair and an ear hang on the walls. The lighting of the room wraps down from the ceiling and onto the vertical wall. These off-centered
  • ... and immersion in water. (source:
  • ... to experimental thinking, a mediated environment, a system of communication and production, a collective event that enables the...