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  • red fungus -
    Generative installation, stickers on the floor Supported by: Mondriaan Foundation, Ámsterdam Courtesy: Blue Fungus (of which Red Fungus is a variation) belongs to the collection Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam Red Fungus investigates the relation
  • "Narcissus' Well" is an interactive multimedia installation that investigates how we are absorbed in the ephemeral, the intangible, the invisible, and the faraway - the quest for self-knowledge mediated through technology. The installation employs a
  • "The Experimental Party" was conceived as an artistic critique of the political process. Based on the model of the political party, an active vehicle for citizens action, the Experimental Party is a shift to experimental thinking, a mediated
  • Conversation Map -
    conversation map, 2000 Website built with the Java and Perl programming languages Conversation Map summarises and visualises very large-scale conversations which take place online in mailing
  • antidatamining -
    Antidatamining is a series of visualisations of financial data. Economy is represented by its main agents –companies, groups and holdings, stock exchanges, banks and investment funds– and their interaction: capital relationships, geographic
  • One of the most ancient parables depicting the experience of self was the legend of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a perfect pool of water. Narcissus ultimately destroyed himself in the unresolved predicament of
  • This sensation of absorption and the loss of one’s presence also finds its roots in the fear of souls being captured in mirrors. The Etruscan word for soul, hinthial, literally means, "image reflected in a mirror." [prototype installation] (source:
  • In contemporary times we may ask: is the search for self-knowledge extended and amplified through the medium of digital media? Or, do we find ourselves in a crisis - like that of Narcissus’ confusion or the loss of the soul - in which we can no
  • la huella -
    la huella, 2010 iMac, Quartz Composer, microphone, projector, 200 x 150 cm La huella is a generative work that evolves in a loop of creation, adaptation and destruction. It is a reflection on survival and evolution in nature, a neverending
  • 2002/03 tangible communication device "Mobile Feelings" is an artistic project that explores the ambivalence of sharing personal information with an anonymous audience. Instead of communication via voice or images to people we know, "Mobile