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  • ... could derive from such a study? Which...
  • This fiction informs the audience about rising sea levels due to global warming and how urban populations will cope with it. This experimental form of tactical transmedia fiction was told by actors and narrative devices staged over the Internet and
  • Installation using real-time computer simulation. When you depict the movement of parts of the human body in a time/value co-ordinate system, you get various wave forms; in the case of repetitive movement, sine waves. During movement, most parts of
  • As far as the creases -
    Here, a human organ constitutes the landscape: a brain is covered in a fine film of aquatic algae. The alga deposits itself by taking its time and continues to grow at its own rhythm. I provide regular modest help: I change the water twice a
  • Light, only light -
    Except for a few species like the Dinoflagellata, which belongs to both the plant and animal kingdoms, bioluminescence is only found in a few animal species. According to biological evolution, a single organism cannot both consume light as energy
  • Homes
    ... of every object from at least three... of three such homes, with the permission...
  • ... a detail from Waliczky's reality....
  • ... the same cube from the opposite side....
  • ... idea which came from an old piece of...
  • ... Like for the learning of a musical...