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  • Orbic Field s02 -
    ... The source geometry was built with Softimage and later its biomorphic distortion was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix software called VDMX by Vidvox.
  • Orbic Field s04 -
    ... The source geometry was built with Softimage and later its biomorphic distortion was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix software called VDMX by Vidvox.
  • Orbic Field s05 -
    ... derived.The source geometry was built with Softimage and later its biomorphic distortion was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix software called VDMX by Vidvox.
  • As Falling Falls -
    ...As Falling Falls is a double interactive video projection using high resolution video projectors and two computers with a remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible a number of dancers of the Stephen Petronio Dance Company....
  • ... other versions in varying ways i.e. this work appears as an interactive installation with a single projection, a 10 screen video wall version, a Japanese/English Version - Ex.Mech (1994), 30 minute linear video as well as a CD Rom version that was...
  • ...Sound plays an important role in the work of Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller (Canadian, b. 1957; 1960) whose video Hill Climbing (1999) tracks an unseen couple and their dog as they struggle to climb up a snowy hill. The layered, binaural soundtrack is heard...
  • ...TransVersum is a dance video directed by Marikki Hakola. The video is based on the original choreography by Ismo-Pekka Heikinheimo called "Come Quickly for I´m Seeing Stars". The theme of TransVersum is seeking of the expressions of identity and sexuality. A growth...
  • Time Stratum II -
    ...Toshio Iwai about Time Stratum II: "In this installation, I placed 120 paper human figures on a motorised spinning disk. Iset up a video monitor above them, while strobing the light down, the paper figures all burst into motion. By using a video monitor as strobe...
  • Orbic Field s06 -
    ... The source geometry was built with Softimage and later its biomorphic distortion was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix software called VDMX by Vidvox.
  • ...Dynamic video installation [English title, Against Time] After the piece 'In between' (1999), 'Gegen die Zeit' is another installation for the secularized Johanneskirche in Feldkirch. The video projection depicts a female arm holding either a brush or a piece of cloth....