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  • Interfaces -
    ... in Chicago were not aware of the exact images that would be transmitted by the Pittsburgh...
  • ... anamorphic distortion of the projected image is optically corrected, so as to present a...
  • ... the insects fly away. The resulting image scenarios are in constant flux, they...
  • ...In this installation images are projected onto a large screen lying flat on the floor of the exhibition...
  • ... sometime in the early 1980s. Also in the image is another good friend called Carlos Amador....
  • EVE
    ... in realtime to create a dynamic hybrid image. This code-based practice constantly evolves...
  • Unreflective Mirror -
    ... a video camera captures and relays the image of this viewer onto a monitor behind him,...
  • March -
    ... March is partly inspired by this image. In the architectural space of the work, a...
  • ... methods of extending the cinematic image into the space of the viewers and of...
  • On Broadway -
    ... is "On Broadway": a visually rich image-centric interface, where numbers play only a...