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  • Orbital Remix s01 -
    ... was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix...
    ... audiovisual composition is inevitable. Video and sound materials of the composition were...
  • ... MACHINE IN THE GARDEN is an interactive videodisc installation dealing with gambling and...
  • ... of three preserved trees: surveillance, video and touchscreen trees. The equipment not...
  • ... a projection on a 360-degree screen. The video is revealed by way of a window that scans...
  • ...Digital video installation The project was initiated with prof.Jean-Louis Boissier and Daniel Pinkas...
  • Parallax -
    ...Parallax is composed of three interactive video projections using very powerful high resolution video...
  • ... tracks fragments, projections, and a video-hologram. The user can recombine more than...
  • ... was effectuated by applying to it a video filter within the real-time video mix...
  • ... by means of electronic media. The video projection on the floor shows a distorted...