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... point of origin, embedded in morphic fields, retains their memory and formula. Hidden...
... projects human breath into a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two...
... This opens an immensely broad semantic field of multi-layered references, be they...
... a portal for visionary flights in the fields of the mind. Homelessness, which is...
... spectator. Matter slides away from the field of the profane, pragmatic or scientific...
... of a sub-atomic particle (i.e. its field of probability). This audiovisual experience...
me & u -... with each other in creating an emotional field. Proxemics, a term coined by anthropologist...
... that maps the visitor’s information field. When an identification document such as a...
... edge practice in the interactive art field. Each artist's identity profile, known...
...l is a machine that maps the visitor’s information field. By inserting an identification document such...