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  • Aurora di Venere -
    ... reproduce and are equipped with a neural network for self-learning and decision taking....
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... installations, uses sophisticated neural-network programming to create a computer graphic...
  • ... and facial expressions. Artificial neural networks allow the system to "learn" from...
  • ... All connected cubes form a simple data network, and depending on their placement,...
  • cyberSM -
    ... their virtual self to the others on the network. The body thus becomes a visual fantasy. ...
  • sens:less -
    ... live in is a constantly changing network structure based on realtime data derived...
  • ... duplex sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and...
  • the leap -
    ... together as a whole through a computer network. The parts stand in a dynamic relation to...
  • Poetry Machine -
    ... is a text generator based on semantic networks. The generation of the texts doesn't...
  • ... that visualizes the collective mark of networked communication. Gardens have both a...