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  • It´s time
    IT'S TIME challenges one of the overarching question that pertains to the post-modern world: the acceleration of time induced by collective behaviors, and the level of frustration it induces on individuals. IT'S TIME aims at investigating several
  • 400s -
    henrik menné 400s, 2010 Stearin, iron, wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy: Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague this machine-sculpture is specially made for the exhibition and
  • ... (Original algorithmic procedures date from the early 1990's.) Los dibujos de la...
  • ... to have healing properties, and the date palm, a major local nutritional resource. The...
  • NYC 1983-85 -
    ... custom sizes or NFT by special order) Date created: 1993 Victor: The title of the piece...
  • me & u -
    ...Me & U Date made: 2005? Materials: responsive, screen-based installation. Other information: Exhibited...
  • Portrait on the Fly – Plotter Drawings Plotter Drawings made with a Pen Plotter Printer ©2015, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer represented by: DAM Galerie Berlin, Galerie Charlot Paris Galerie Anita Beckers Portrait on the Fly also exists
  • On translation -
    Every day we have to make decisions. These are decisions between affirmation and negation, between yes and no, between 1 and 0. The path is a long one that finally leads a translation of a text to its new destination. There it becomes obvious that
  • "Solar Equation," 2010 Aerostat, 5 HD projectors, 7 computers, custom software 14m / 48' balloon "Solar Equation" is a large-scale public art installation that consists of a faithful simulation of the Sun, 100 million times smaller than the real
    Video projection onto an image on a mirror (video loop, 3′) mirror (110 x 110 cm), foil covering, projection and reflection variable dimensions The video installation Butterfly uses radiological images of the author’s brain responding to different