Archive Search

  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... community. The main elements of the online site are three constructed environments...
  • The Telegarden -
    ... Art, April 1998. The Telegarden went online in June of 1995 and has been online...
  • ... mentioned in the ZKM Video Art Prize 1995 online catalog. The remarkable statement by...
  • ... language - forms words from motions see dictionary / thesaurus definition of sign sign see...
  • ... for and with the media art community, an online archive as a community platform for...
  • etoy -
    ... is a controversial global player online since 1994. The etoy.HOLDING focusses on...
  • Starbright World -
    ...Starbright World was a pioneering online multi-user 3-D virtual world in which seriously ill children...
  • Liquid Views - video
    ... Liquid Views is a metaphor for our online existence, illustrating our role as...
  • Blast -
    ... that is both material and digital, online and offline, recorded and live. It...
  • Interfaces -
    ... formation and dissolution of identities online. It was experienced projected on a large...