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  • ... comments and then passing relevant information to...
  • AirportSim -
    ... of Homeland Security. As passengers walk through the...
  • Chance Encounters -
    ... the subway environment, passengers' thoughts while...
  • ... projectors; only when passers-by block one of the texts...
  • Field-Work@Alsace -
    ... local inhabitants and passengers around the border...
  • ... is dark and seems to be passive. When two cubes are put...
  • ... see their remote co-bathers on the projection... users are not simply passive objects of remote...
  • Trucold -
    ... fixed camera unveil the passage of time on the landscape....
  • db -
    ... chamber one enters after passing through a dark hallway...
  • spectraII -
    ... However, as they pass through the corridor, subtle...