Archive Search

  • -
    ... function: it searches web sites and library catalogues for words which signify the"big" questions of philosophy, religion, and...
  • Deriva -
    ... can be seen (from end to beginning) at Deriva (Catalan word for “drifting”). The action begins with a social situation in...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... end. A rhizome is made of plateaus. Gregory Bateson uses the word "plateau" to designate something very special: a continuous,...
  • ... can be re-created in the appearance and disappearance of words, pictures, animations and sounds. Memories (readable with a...
  • fünfnullplus -
    ... image, a vertical bar of white LEDs is inserted; it generates words that seem to hover in the surrounding space for fractions of a...
  • Instruction Drawings -
    ... workshop, visual information (an artwork) is translated into words, and transferred through a mobile phone to someone who then...
  • 1000 Platitudes -
    ... and one video documentary, which is shown on a plasma screen. Words commonly used to describe the generic globalized city; --each...
  • Stream I Stream II -
    ... "streams"? The title also evokes other connotations of the word "stream", such as streaming (downloading) data over the web and...
  • Can you see me now? -
    ... of the live audio feed from the streets of Rotterdam. The last words they hear are "Runner 1 has seen ....". With the advent of...
  • ... of unique forms found inside this invented flower. In other words, the sculpture is derived from the molecular procedure employed...