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  • This work involved a rewiring of Block 72E, which used to be a dental centre in Tanglin military medical camp. About 4 years ago the plug was finally pulled on Tanglin Camp, a former colonial military installation. The plumbing, electrical and
  • Elevator's Music -
    The site-specific installation “Elevator’s Music”, visits the topic of synthetic creatures becoming sentient. What if centuries from now, we had the technology to make any machine self-aware? In this distant future, if an elevator could be
  • Newtown Creek is a massively contaminated Superfund site running through the Greenpoint, Williamsburg and Bushwick neighborhoods of Brooklyn, New York. For the AR artwork "Newtown Creek (oil spill)" Tamiko Thiel has created a 3D object from the
  • House of Cards -
    Director of Technology - House of Card's Music video, interactive data viewer, and source code. With Director James Frost and a bunch of other great people, lasers and sensors were used to create a 3D data "music video" for the band Radiohead.
  • Arcs21 -
    Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s, Arcs21 offers the user the possibilities of research, playing and co-creation: browserspace is translated into a realtime artwork which is freely available over the
  • Flight Patterns -
    Aaron Koblin is an artist specialising in data visualisation. Koblin’s work has been shown at international festivals including Ars Electronica, SIGGRAPH, OFFF, the Japan Media Arts Festival and TED. He received the National Science Foundation’s
  • Listening Post -
    Listening Post is situated in the permanent collections of the Science Museum, South Kensington, London, and is on site loan to the Decode exhibition. It can be viewed on the first floor of the Science Museum. Listening Post has been presented
  • Cyclone -
    YCLONE.SOC brings together two contemporary phenomena: severe weather, the project uses weather data that charts the emergence and progress of hurricanes. the polarized nature of debate that occurs in certain online newsgroup forums. The
  • [V]ote-Auction -
    Voteauction* was a Website which offered US citizens to sell their presidential vote to the highest bidder during the Presidential Elections 2000, Al Gore vs. G.W. Bush. Several US States (Missouri, Wisconsin, Chicago, Arizona, Nevada,
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity