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  • Season in Hell -
    ... is left of the corporeal remains of America. Where...
  • bit.flow mk2 -
    julius popp bit.flow mk2, 2007-2008 Mixed media Courtesy: Dogenhaus Galerie, Leipzig Navigation through the modern world is no longer linear; the thread cannot serve as a model for its description. In bit.flow mk2 dozens of tiny pieces of the
  • warden sprites raum3, 2009-2010 Series of photos, an elf-receiver, 1 Mac mini with net-access, 1 ISOPHONE PLS 320 / 400, 1 radial high tone beamer with control unit developed by N-solab, 1 UV 350nm Spot with control unit developed by N-solab,
  • Video: The remix of President George W. Bush's 2005 State of the Union speech is set to Richard Wagner's Liebestod from Tristan und Isolde, a tale of two lovers who suffer a fateful embrace with love and death. In Bush's speech, a
  • The nation's Capital has been transformed into a mighty walled fortress, armed to the teeth, locked-down, swept-clean - all joy has been strangled - on any suspicion, they would pounce with the stealth of a wild beast. (source:
  • Video: In this excerpt, Orf engages the speed and power of the aircraft, a weapon of mass destruction in the 21st century, singing: swing low, sweet chariot coming for to carry me home, evoking the extremist allure of the afterlife. (source:
  • One of the most ancient parables depicting the experience of self was the legend of Narcissus, who fell in love with his own image reflected in a perfect pool of water. Narcissus ultimately destroyed himself in the unresolved predicament of
  • still living (a, b, e, f, g, h, i, j), 2006 Series of infinite visual installations. Computer, specific algorithm Courtesy: the artist This series of visual installations revolves around the concept of living graphics: graphics using
  • living particles (version 59), 2009 Autonomous audio kinetic installation The autonomous audio-kinetic installation consists of small minimalist robotic modules. The modules work autonomously on the basis of solar power, produce sounds and
  • Horizon -
    ... of images accessed in realtime from webcams found in...