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    Imagine an optical device with a sensory field of 8 meters to 60 centimeters. Fixed to the wall, this mirror is programmed to constantly measure and react to your distance from it. At 8 meters it will be convex, at 60 centimeters it will be concave
  • SOLAR -
    Imagine entering a machine, supplying the co-ordinates of a city and a specific moment in time and as a response you receive the direction, the intensity and the sensation of heat and light that the sun radiated in that time-space. Solar is a
  • Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two devices. The first is a rectangular array of twelve small impellers, which stands on a table on one side of the gallery. This small
  • Wind Map
    An invisible, ancient source of energy surrounds us—energy that powered the first explorations of the world, and that may be a key to the future. The wind map shows the delicate tracery of wind flowing over the US. Fernanda Viégas and I created the
  • "Thinking about gesture in art, people usually refer to choreography. If the topic is related to IT, instead, usability becomes the issue. But, what about gesture in computer art? Does it mean natural interaction or is it just a matter of
  • Timeline
    Timeline (2004) started out as a poem about getting old, for which I collected a small database of images found on the web which resonated with the lines from the poem. Interactively, the work is based on the device used in packages like Adobe
  • This piece was created as an interactive 'virtual gallery' in which the user can explore a computer rendition of the gallery in which the computer is housed. It is also possible to depart this space and enter into a number of fantasy spaces,
  • Advent -
    Advent is an interactive journey into the 25 days preceding the birth of something messianic. The journey is set in and around the shoreline of a mythic river and takes the form of a fictional personal diary. At the heart of the piece is an advent
  • The popular images of fantastic worlds where gratuitous pleasure is provided for every whim are not met by the often mundane experience of, for example, communicating on the internet, or the relative drudgery of complex computer programming. These
  • Heliotrope -
    Heliotrope is an artwork made using computer manipulated images and animations in which the user interacts to control the sequence of events. Like many interactive artworks the piece requires input from the user. However, unlike a computer game, the