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  • circulation -
    circulation, 2010 MP4 Full HD y Flash (RSS Yahoo) The man: Vincent Charlebois The woman: Mélissa Gagné Production: Agence Topo para Geoweb Circulation elaborates a parallel between two lovers’ discourse and the flow of cars, because
  • ... was to create a mixed reality environment where...
  • SimTunes -
    SimTunes is one of those wonderful programs that grows with the user. In essence, it is a paint program that doubles as a musical composition program--or vice versa. The user begins with a blank screen, or canvas and a variety of tools, paints, and
  • span 3 -
    isabelle jenniches span 3, 2008-2009 Digital LightJet print, 73.7 x 304.8 cm Acknowledgements: Jeroen Doorenweerd & Rijksgebouwendienst, Douanekantoor Maasvlakte Many miles away from the actual location, yet connected via the Internet,
  • Otocky -
    Designed by popular Japanese multimedia artist Toshio Iwai, "Otokki" or Otocky (which is the appropriate spelling that appears on the game's main title screen) was released for the Famicom Disk System in 1987. Otocky may be best described as a
  • Computer Animation A liquid architecture is an architecture whose form is contingent on the interests of the beholder; it is an architecture that opens to welcome you and closes to defend you; it is an ar chitecture without doors and hallways,
  • Pulse -
    Together the two projects, "p-Soup" and "Pulse", offer an experience of the special saturation and hue of monitor colours in varying combinations and continuous movement. The automation of image production is a fascinating dream born out of the
  • growth pattern -
    allison kudla growth pattern, 2010 A light box array of Petri dishes containing agar, nutrients, hormones, die-cut leaves Production: LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industrial, Gijón Acknowledgements: Universidad de Washington, Seattle;
  • decon -
    The project explores the use of biotechnology methods and materials as art media, for the development of paintings literally alive that deconstruct themselves while exhibited. In Decon, replicas of Piet Mondriaan’s geometric paintings were created
  • Telematic Manifesto -
    ... Futurists to the Surrealists, from the International...