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  • In 1991 Waliczky wrote the script for THE GARDEN, an animation based on an idea which came from an old piece of Super-8 film, made over ten years before, showing a little girl playing in a country garden. The artist's aim was to portray the
  • SphèrAléas Tridimensional interactive / sound / image installation SphèrAléas is made of a half-spherical structure and of an evolutionary device wich makes man, image and sound interact thanks to digital tools. SphèrAléas is ideal for collective
  • Matières sensibles (Sensitive matters) is a serie of sculptures made of very thin and delicate wood veneer sheets. Here the artists use ash wood. These sheets of wood have distinct sonorous touch zones that follow the natural veins of wood. The
  • Temple -
    Media:loudspeakers, amplifiers, telephone number Dimensions:24" x 20" x 20" Description: adaptation of the Delphi "Tholos" Temple Ruin. Electroacoustic Sculpture made of 3000 recycled loudspeakers, amplifiers and radios. Sound: white noise. People
  • Interactive online news channel "Be the first to know - watch" « TV» shows you the latest world news about the subjects you choose. By putting in keywords with a special remote control or by SMS you can determine which subjects
  • Interactive net-based multi screen installation Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you. «Breaking The News» is an interactive installation, transmitting in realtime information
  • Interactive Net-Based Installation 10'000 moving cities deals with the world of information, user-generated content and news about places, cultures, people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the
  • After finishing the computer animation version of "The Forest", Waliczky began to work on the second, interactive variant of "The Forest", in collaboration with Jeffrey Shaw and Sebastian Egner. Here, the animation becomes part of an interactive
  • As one of the installation's aesthetic goals is the bodily impression of the generated object on the user, a sound synthesis technique was in demand, that is able to both render a visible object's genuine sound thru all its user-inferred alterations
  • Dear Pareidolia (EP) -
    Dear Pareidolia (EP)Artist: German GomezComment: