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  • Interactive online news channel "Be the first to know - watch" « TV» shows you the latest world news about the subjects you choose. By putting in keywords with a special remote control or by SMS you can determine which subjects
  • Interactive net-based multi screen installation Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you. «Breaking The News» is an interactive installation, transmitting in realtime information
  • Interactive Net-Based Installation 10'000 moving cities deals with the world of information, user-generated content and news about places, cultures, people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the
  • As one of the installation's aesthetic goals is the bodily impression of the generated object on the user, a sound synthesis technique was in demand, that is able to both render a visible object's genuine sound thru all its user-inferred alterations
  • Dear Pareidolia (EP) -
    Dear Pareidolia (EP)Artist: German GomezComment:
  • Video mapping performance in Argentina, La Plata 2009, on historic train station . Several technics combining 2d 3d animations, video and light design, digital 3d reconstruction of historic train. General Direction and original music by GG
  • For the "Places & Spaces: Mapping Science" exhibition W. Bradford Paley approached making a map of science indirectly, by making a map of a book describing The History of Science. In this way, he leveraged the intelligent organization by Henry Smith
  • TextArc
    TextArc: Revealing Word Associations, Distribution and Frequency. TextArc is a tool designed to help people discover patterns and concepts in any text by leveraging a powerful, underused resource: human visual processing. It compliments approaches
  • TraceEncounters is a social network tracking and visualization project. It was debuted September 3 in Linz, Austria at the 2004 Ars Electronica festival. White circles connect cliques of size greater than 3 when the user clicks the 'Find cliques'
  • Falling Girl is an immersive interactive narrative installation that allows the viewer to participate in the story of a young girl falling from a skyscraper. During her miraculously slow descent, the girl reacts to the people and events in each