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  • ... the entire exhibition space, which was made possible by the...
  • Subtitled Public -
    ...led Public consists of an empty exhibition space where visitors are detected by a...
  • ... throughout a shared virtual space. Each fiberglass skyboard is a...
  • ... "neutral" living room. This space can be transformed automatically...
  • Demonstrate -
    ... offers a portrait of public space as viewed from the public in...
  • M2 video
    ... the waiting area into the next space. As the visitors enter into...
  • The Meadow -
    ...OW explores and manifests the metaphorical space which lies between the...
  • Predicatable Lab -
    ... possibilities in physical space we have artificial possibilities...
  • ... surround the house, producing a space for meditation with virtual...
  • Babel -
    ... an abstract thing...information space and the taxonomy of knowledge...