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  • Photogenetics -
    ... A project done as a workshop of The Metropolitan Museum of Photography,...
  • World System -
    ...The theme of this project is "re-design for telephone". Winner of Japan Art...
  • ... (1999) a miniature movie theater, in which a maximum of 3 person...
  • ... Systems (GIS). Built on the Sensetable platform, Tangible-DSS...
  • Alchemy -
    ... Riches Heures de Duc De Berry. The theme of the book is the alchemical...
  • Golem -
    ... video installation where the two monitors were arranged like the...
  • I like Frank -
    ...In March 2004 Blast Theory premiered the world's first 3G mixed reality game,...
  • Kidnap -
    ... initial phase of observation of the short-listed candidates, Blast...
  • Desert rain -
    ...In this fascinating piece the company worked in collaboration with the Computer...
  • ... 1992 Andréhn-Schiptjenko showed the installation Sustained where...