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  • Spectropia -
    ... body, and alter and create the soundtrack. Synopsis The story opens in a...
  • ... time uses body movement to interact with sound and images. Viewers can take turns either as...
  • ... installation and music? Exchange Fields sought to develop a novel interface strategy by...
  • ... Seaman's video, generate a new soundtrack by choosing from 144 different musical...
  • ... through the virtual world, a new sound mix is made for each user - Seaman calls...
  • ... The Watch Detail (1990). Video images, sound and text that addressed the subject of time...
  • ... a poetic technological vehicle, exploring sound, image and text relations within a slow...
  • Autopoiesis -
    ... 2000. It consists of fifteen robotic sound sculptures that interact with the public and...
  • Cyber Squeeks -
    ... induces them to emit emphatic squawking sounds. This digital, cacophonous and...
  • the Flock -
    ...The Flock is a group of musical interactive sound sculptures which exhibit behaviors analogous to the...