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  • IDfone -
    ... Employing digital "mirrors" that reflect imagery from two different locations the artwork...
  • ... define the relationship between digital image and interface. The regular use of computers...
  • ... discussion about the differences between image and representation, denying the Web as an...
  • ... Da Vinci’s manuscript to emphasize “Great Image”. Then I add signs like computing line sketch,...
  • Run Motherfucker Run -
    ... are subjected to a mix of film and 3-D imagery. The distance you run on the conveyor belt...
  • ... from these movements (opposed to moving images) – they exist as situational shots that...
  • ... with the textual condition of the on line image and, at the same time, with the imagetic...
  • Deep Contact -
    ... connections between the viewer and the image.A surveillance camera was programmed to be...
  • ... the basis of computer-modified microscopic images of particles of the artist’s body by...
  • egaku -
    ... the ideation process with seamless image management tools. Designers sketch ideas as...