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  • Monologue 2021 -
    ... New Technologies such as Flash Programming, IR Sensor Installation,...
  • ... with Chris Ziegler on the programming of the work. The work...
  • LumiTouch -
    ... to develop a personal emotional language. Based upon prior work on...
  • ... of Juliane Ziegler: Ute Merz programming: Martin Bellardi costumes:...
  • ... Kiyoshi Furukawa Additional programming: Volker Kuchelmeister ...
  • ...The Analog-Digital-Spiegel (programming by Reinhard Möller) shows how an analogue...
  • How are you? -
    ... no more than an introduction to language or a sign of recognition. We...
  • Logo.Hallucination -
    ... Concept: Christophe Bruno - programming: Valeriu Lacatusu
  • ... make visitors think about how language shapes our perception of the...
  • Homes
    ... as a whole is aesthetic and functional. In this project, I built up...