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  • Y straight forward? A city-tour guide of a different sort The human eye is an omnivore and so constantly feeding the corresponding brain cells with loads of information. Only later the important is segregated from the insignificant, but far more
  • Adsum -
    Adsum is a cubic glass sculpture inside of which letters are laser engraved. The letters are positioned one in front of the other, thus forming a spatial poem inside the solid glass cube that can be read in any direction. 'Adsum' means “I am here”
  • Augenschein — a light installation for the Stieglerhaus, St. Stefan ob Stainz, AT The eye has always played a vital role in human history, whether as the organ of vision or as a pivotal cultural symbol in the arts of all ages. In digital and new
  • Anamorph-Lattice, 6 black-white family snapshots repeated 30 times are organized by the Voronoi mathematical model so that the images disrupt the frontal perspective viewing, creating altered perspectives reminiscent of 16th and 17th century
  • Multiplicity N°19 -
    These manually created photomontages were created as the basis for an op-art style silkscreen series and its further development as a kinetic object. A black square. Lines without a vanishing point, 119 in number. Phases of a self-portrait. Light
  • Inertia
    Inertia, 2010-11 | Music Henry Vega | Dance Géraldine Fournier | [Materials] Projectors, Computers, Media Player. Dimensions: 5m x 5m x 2.0m Utilizing the cut-up technique, a methodology commonly associated with the aleatory literary technique in
  • The AR project “Biocybrid Fables: Borges' Fantastic Creatures” is a tribute to the renowned Argentine writer Jorge Luis Borges, commemorating the 200th anniversary of the independence of Latin American countries. It was made to celebrate in Buenos
  • acrylic paint on plexiglass, UV light reflector dim: 105 x 180 cm (each, series of 7) Photo by: Boštjan Pucelj, Archive Gallery Krško; DK / Archive KIBLA A series of images on Plexiglas shows a selection of two-dimensional diagrams of skyrmion
  • #1 Vortex #2 Torus #3 Skyrmion Lattice #4 Skyrmion Collapse #5 Cross (B=16 Skyrmion) #6 Spiral (cross-section of horizontal vortex) kinetic light objects (series of 6) plexiglass, LED reflectors, turntables variable dimensions, diameter: 60 cm,