Archive Search

  • ... severely aliased audio files, modem screeches and...
  • Digital Landfill -
    ... which the User can copy files from his computer or...
  • An Explicit Volume -
    ... to a space used to store files on a computer. Central...
  • The Library -
    ... Hill, became the texture files. Three stairways were added...
  • ... Stanza aims to give The Filets Huns cultural Centrex a...
    ... a database of music MIDI files appropriated and compiled...
  • Human Browser -
    A human being embodies the World Wide Web Human Browser is a series of Wi-Fi performances based on a Google Hack, where the usual technological interface is replaced with the oldest interface we know: the human being. Winner of the Share
  • Packet Garden -
    ... grown. If you share some files via eMule, a 'Peer to Peer...
  • Mutatis mutandis -
    "Mutatis mutandis" is an interactive computerised installation. It’s hypermedia project realised from digitalized video images and sounds. It addresses issues concerning poetry and philosophy, and explores the language of interact ivity in the
  • ... conversion from digital files to printed format. Through...