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  • ... of the Brain represents the thoughts of four philosophers as metaphorical virtual houses. Chosen for their contributions to the... magical light scenes is a powerful way to convey attention and meaning. In 1992, Home of the Brain was awarded the Golden Nica at the...
  • ... live CCTC as a facade for over ten years. - Here is a more detailed proposal based on the initial concepts. - Please note I have... and then analyzing its impact and influence, lies in making meaning accessible to a wider audience. The facade aesthetics will...
  • ... / looming / lexicon / lovingly / lookups / m man / motion / metaweave / mobile / motion n number / no / negative / name o on/off /... a code signing the sign language must be fabricated out of a meaningful set of developed code motions. The code motions are...
  • ... of marble and digging holes and galleries helped to see details from the original image, like digging inside memory, creating... human expression which goes beyond conveying message and meaning. Everyone can exist for others, wherever, whenever. It is part...
  • Nuzzle Afar -
    ... afford a certain role to the participant. This made the space meaningless. In contrast, "Nuzzle" tries to afford the role of play to...
  • Five into one est l'une des premières oeuvres en « réalité virtuelle ». Le principe en est de construire une image tridimensionnelle globale, virtuelle, c'est-à-dire exclusivement calculée et mise en mémoire dans un ordinateur.
  • Landscape One -
    ... to the character will define the space - physical or metaphorical - that can be accessed. There are several possible... This journey through space is also a journey through words, meanings, language, subjectivity. It highlights not only the physical...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... “I created a new creature or a piece of work that can live and meaningfully communicate with modern, urban people like ourselves,...
  • ... play of this work is based on the idea that we can discover meaningful sound patterns in noise, in this case through an interface...
  • ... intelligence that steers clear of any attempt to communicate meaningful information to its human participants. Certain kinds of...