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  • ... serves as a platform for observing the effects that tangible navigation can have on the...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ... often been used to generate such trick effects, in popular theatre and arcade games, and...
  • ... of rotation causes variable persistence effects, both actual and perceived. A path of...
  • ... to adjust the various audio parameters. After 8 minutes, the CO2 measurements begin to... changes of CO2 yield relatively static effects in their influence on the speed of change...
  • Machines & Souls -
    ... of new media and techniques. Some years after leaving art college, I decided to invent... together in a subtle interdependence. The effects of the future on the past are mostly...
  • Plan-it! -
    ... to his/ her personal preference. After a voting period of a few seconds, our... soundtracks on computers 5 and 4" and effects synchronized actions. The programme also...
  • ... of the Olympic Sculpture Park. In the aftermath of storm surges that tear away roadside... but does not produce any known ill effects in humans. Radar Camas: Camassia radaria...
  • Under Fire -
    ... acts of violence as symptoms or effects of structural conditions, and situates...
  • Protrude, Flow -
    ... very quickly, there are no physical effects even if the audience is only a meter away...
  • ... in which to breathe is to suffer. Special effects? Hardly. We, the visitors, feel as though...