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  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    Autoinducer_Ph-1 (cross cultural chemistry) exploits a traditional rice cultivation technique from SE Asia where Azolla is grown in large quantities and used as an organic, nitrogen rich fertilizer in the rice paddies. In the installation this
  • Interactive online news channel "Be the first to know - watch" « TV» shows you the latest world news about the subjects you choose. By putting in keywords with a special remote control or by SMS you can determine which subjects
  • Interactive net-based multi screen installation Just tell us a headline or your favorite words and we'll create a modifiable streaming news-station for you. «Breaking The News» is an interactive installation, transmitting in realtime information
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • Tele-touch
    Tele-Touch explores the notion of human touch and telepresence in a computer networked environment. It consists of a jacket equipped with wireless touch output devices that allow the person wearing the jacket to be touched by visitors to the
  • Suite For Mobile Tags -
    Suite for Mobile Tags is a project based on QR-Code (Quick Response Code), which proposes an exercise of random and anonymous collective musical composition. For the implementation of its first movement, there is a set of eight mobile tags embedded
  • DIGITAL MONSTERS DON'T BLEED An algorithm is a distinct method of instructions for calculating and solving a problem or a set of problems. It consists of a number of well-defined individual steps and can, for instance, be implemented to execute a
  • EVALUATION OF PHYSIOLOGICAL VARIABLES in an unusual context, that is, non-clinical or laboratory, using a T-shirt developed by undergraduate students in Electronic Engineering and Masters in Biomedical Engineering, with sensors capable of measuring
  • Mark J. Stock's work is suffused with highly dynamic and detail rich imagery that is often indistinguishable whether it originated in the natural world or in a highly evolved virtual platform. Stock's process is algorithmically based; with his
  • Terrarium -
    TERRARIUM II net based installation explores in the physic space a ground with rocks and a topography where virtual serpents live. The space offers an immersive virtual reality networked environment which allows people to create and control