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  • Marchive
    ... Victoria collections, out of a total collection of sixteen million....
  • ... public imagination – promising total communication, the annihilation of...
  • ... mediated movement of ideas, values, life-styles, and everyday lives...
  • Facing Data -
    ... appears I don't have a clear explanation, but must of the people...
  • Open(ing) Source -
    ... do with that information? The explanation of the results of the test,...
    ... Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres...
  • ... between human and economic values: emotions vs stock. Is there a...
  • ... colors and printing seems to be totally preserved. They often look like...
  • ... production lines. The price and value of these products became less as...
  • ... forms becoming tokenized values[2]. Between the immateriality of...