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  • Re-reading the News -
    ...Re-reading the News (2002) downloads the front page of newspapers as essentially...
  • The Reading Room -
    Mixed media installation 10 x 6 x 4 metres Aluminium construction, glass components, limited edition artists' books. Jointly authored with Fiona Gunn, Christchurch, New Zealand. (source:
  • Free Range Grain -
    Free Range Grain was a live, performative action that used basic molecular biology...
  • ... mimicking a human being. Random Rhetoric CURATORIAL TEXT Random...
  • Study for a Mirror -
    ...The founding members of rAndom International: Hannes Koch (b. 1975, Germany),...
  • RGB -
    ... three colors very slowly per random: Red, Green, Blue. Thats the...
  • Audience -
    ...In February 2010, rAndom went to the US to install the first copy of the Audience...
  • Letter
    ... image in all directions. Thus, reading becomes a process of probing...
  • D/eu/s -
    ... bottom, viewers saw apparently random letters and numbers, reminding...
  • -
    ... How can we verify that the random is random? is part of...