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  • ...N D CA T H E D R A L V I R T U A L R E A L I T Y Mind Cathedral is a gigantic abstract VR...
  • Mind/Machine -
  • ...In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories...
  • ...In the Mind’s I is a one-on-one performative art work in which Warren Neidich utilizes visual memories...
  • Telenoia -
    ...What TELENOIA is about is telematic connectivity, mind to mind across the globe. We'll use e.mail...
  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... to represent their individual artwork and mind-set. By relating multimedia images to...
  • ... and circularity between space and mind, or between the psychophysical activity of a...
  • ...Enter the mechanics of a mind shot through by the forces of elctromagnetism, language and logical...
  • ... New York, USA, 2008, in ‘Landscapes Of The Mind’, Williams College Museum Of Art, Williamstown,...
  • ... Miss Natalija A. She tells him that her mind and body are being manipulated by a...