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  • Reabracadabra, 1985 - Videotext animated poem shown in 1985 in the group exhibition Arte On-Line, a national videotext art gallery presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo.

    In 2003 Reabracadabra was adapted for cel phones.
  • Tesão -
    Videotext (minitel) animated poem shown online in the group exhibition Brazil High-Tech (1986), a national videotext art gallery organized in Rio de Janeiro by Eduardo Kac and Flavio Ferraz and presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo (in...
  • Recaos -
    When viewers logged on, the first saw the letter C on the lower right corner of the screen. The letter A appeared above the C, followed by a series of letters O moving upwards. This motion was against the default mode of the videotex medium, which...
  • D/eu/s -
    When viewers logged on they first saw a black screen. Then, a small white rectangle appeared in the middle of the screen. Slowly, vertical bars descended inside the horizontal rectangle. At the bottom, viewers saw apparently random letters and...
  • Three City Link -
    In 1989, the Three-City Link event brought together artists in Chicago (organized by Eduardo Kac and Carlos Fadon), Boston (led by Dana Moser), and Pittsburgh (the DAX [Digital Art Exchange] Group). A slow-scan television system connected to a...
  • Telecommunications event between Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo uniting fax and live TV, 1988. Connecting the public medium of television with the private medium of the fax this work created a system of feedback based on the continuous exchange and...
  • Torso
    A work using simulated recombinant genetic algorithms. The piece used two live computed image sources for two of the monitors, one prerecorded computer animated sequence and two live video feeds from surveilance camera's installed in the space. A...
  • ANGELS - video
    The First Immersive Virtual Reality Movie. "ANGELS" was conceived at MIT & developed at the Hitlab in Seattle. It was completed in December 1991 and recorded on video in January 1992. This revolutionary movie was programmed for the 3 senses: visual,...
  • POPUREVE - video
    POPUREVE, a fast-paced 3D animation about the 1789 Revolution, reshuffling several recurring themes about freedom, equality and the guillotine, is Stenger's second digital movie and fantasy work about French History, after GALLIA (1987-88) The movie...
  • GALLIA - video
    GALLIA (1987-88) is Stenger's first 3D movie, and already displays many of the distinctive features of her future productions: color, rhythm, recurrent sequences and vibrant soundtrack.