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  • Out of the dump -
    communiqué Centre des Arts

    Pour ce dernier volet de la saison, le centre des arts invite l’esprit prolifique de Maurice Benayoun à investir ses espaces ainsi que ceux de la Médiathèque George Sand d’Enghien-les-Bains autour de deux propositions...
  • L’exposition à la médiathèque George Sand présente le travail vidéo de Maurice Benayoun - La série Quarxs réalisée entre 1990 et 1993 en collaboration avec le dessinateur de bandes dessinées François Schuiten et l'écrivain Benoît Peeters. une des...
  • Dildomatic Opera -

    Discovering the secrets of nostalgic "circuit bending" it seems that here the drive immediately sadistic turns of its true purpose. The crushing nature of games against child trying to convert sounds, notes and voice stuttering, screaming,...
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    Two years before the turn of the century, a committee chaired by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, at the time director of the Centre Pompidou, was entrusted with the task of defining the ceremonies to celebrate the millennium. Oddly enough, I was invited to...
  • Part I: on the embodied experience and the augmentation of space
  • On what the temporal understanding of space and the play of memory
  • On what is data/metadata?
  • On the "convergence" of technology in industry and the possibility of "divergence" of technology in new media art
  • Part 5: On the relation between new media artist, industry and open source
  • Transfinite 7347 -
    Audiovisual installation at Park Avenue Armory, New York.