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  • ... Some digital analysts worry about a decline in the public sphere brought about by the expansion of the home computer and its redefinition of the domestic space as sphere of separate viewing stations, an architectonics that could make home "television room"...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... but his most indelible contribution is in animated film. Kentridge makes large-scale charcoal drawings that he erases and redraws continually, adding new elements or transforming one subject into a very different other, filming each subtle shift to...
  • William Kentridge -
    ... own art in relation to a broader historical context. Compelling us to perceive his characters as constantly striving for redemption even as they slip into weakness and callousness, Kentridge emerges with a robust humanist vision. His scale may shift in...
  • ... the ethereal something that is a backdrop to the feminine artistic praxis. Homage to those passionate artists who fearlessly redefine contemporary aesthetic and thought, taking us all towards new futures, conceived for an advanced, dynamic and multi-faceted...
  • ...Event: Banquete. Nodes and Networks / Banquete. Nodos y redesInstitution: ZKM - Center for Art and MediaComment:
  • REDesign -
    ...Event: REDesignInstitution: Festival de Video de NavarraComment:
  • ...Event: Experiementa Utopia Now – International Biennale of Media ArtInstitution: Redland Art GalleryComment:
  • Seeing Double -
    ... as small sugarlift etchings. From these small etchings, large drawings were done, and these large scale drawings were then reduced to the size of a newspaper." The South Gallery will also include a series of new works: large watercolors, equestrian...
  • ...Digital technology has become a medium that has redefined the arts broadening horizons and changing practices. The works in this exhibition explore interactivity and the possibilities opened up by multimedia and electronic technologies to create immersive experiences...
  • ... film and video art production from the 1980s, offering viewers the opportunity to see familiar works again and to perhaps rediscover and assess them anew, enabling prospects to be developed for the 1990s. The significance of film and video art was...