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  • Will future formats create a new literacy? McLuhan was sure that sooner or later mass society would see print and linear culture replaced by tactile and electronic culture. Somewhat along the same lines, Fleischmann & Strauss’s Semantic Map creates
  • inSite 2000 -
    inSITE 2000 beteiligte künstlerInnen: Carlos Amorales, Gustavo Artigas, Judith Barry, Jordan Crandall, Arturo Cuenca, Roman de Salvo, Dias & Riedweg, Mark Dion, Silvia Gruner, Diego Gutiérrez, Jonathan Hernandez, Norma Iglesias & Rita Gonzales,
  • FUTURE CINEMA The Cinematic Imaginary after Film Curated by Jeffrey Shaw and Peter Weibel 16 November 2002 - 30 March 2003 ZKM Karlsruhe | atria 8 & 9, Media Theater [Admission :: EUR 5,10/3,10] Press conference : 14. November, 11am,
  • While Darkness Sleeps -
    Event: While Darkness SleepsInstitution: MAC McKinney Avenue ContemporaryComment:
  • Autobiography -
    Event: AutobiographyInstitution: Robert McLaughlin GalleryComment:
  • A premier survey of California-based McPhee’s experimental films from 2002-2011 will screen at 21:00 , 15 April , 2011 at Freies Museum, Potsdamer Strasse 91 Berlin. Curated by Klaus W. Eisenlohr of Director’s Lounge, Berlin.
  • Event: La Chonchita N=Amour and other recent films by Christina McPheeInstitution: black hole cinemathequeComment:
  • Event: Creation as Research / Research as Creation, Monday Night SeminarInstitution: McLuhan Program, University of TorontoComment:
  • Simon Biggs -
    As contemporary art practice moves ceaselessly into the vast and infinitely complex field of video and computer technology, the McDougall Art Annex takes pleasure in presenting the work of a leading artist in this area, British-based Simon Biggs.
  • All Changes Saved -
    Tots els canvis s’han desat (All Changes Saved) Aram Bartholl, Clara Boj + Diego Díaz, Martin John Callanan, Olia Lialina, Kyle McDonald, Román Torre + Ángeles Angulo, Carlo Zanni Curated by Pau Waelder Casal Solleric, Palma (Spain) September 21,