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  • On 9 January 2024 we celebrate 20 years of UpStage! UpStage has playfully persisted for two decades of cyberformance adventures. Since its launch on 9 January 2004, UpStage has provided an accessible, artist-led online venue for collaboration,
  • In Solid Landscapes verbildlicht die Künstlerin das unablässige Wachstum von nutzbaren und produktiven (Anti-)Landschaften, indem sie Zeugnisse für den dramatischen Wandel reproduziert und vervielfältigt, der weltweit in zunehmendem Maße vonstatten
  • Tactile immateriality -
    Tactile immateriality (multimedia event, co-authorship: Aleksandra Bajde (performance), Isabella Forciniti (sound), Sonica festival, 21 April 2023, Cukrarna Gallery, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2023
  • OPENING RECEPTION: October 14, 2022 October 28, 6-8pm: Writer and author, John Avlon will be speaking about his new book as one of the events of this three-month exhibition and will be interviewed by Margaret Hoover, host of PBS Firing Line. Gail
  • Event: Festival of International Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories (FIVARS)Institution: Festival of International Virtual and Augmented Reality Stories (FIVARS)Comment:
  • Cadence was screened daily in the artists’ animated film programme curated by Professor Suzie Hanna for the micro-kino outdoor cinema space, featuring animations that respond to the themes of nature and journey, specially created for the Sculpture
  • ELO 2022-E2Lit -
    The work combines various mediums and literary genres (the cookbook’s taxonomy and authoritative style, scientific papers, children’s rhymes…) to reshape its own and presents the reader with complex assemblages on entangled phenomena related to
  • Dvě ženy/Two women -
    Vašulka Kitchen Brno exhibits two video works by audiovisual artist Matthew Ostrowski, in which a New York native deconstructs the film medium in a new artistic rendering, revealing the hidden meaning of the motifs, shots and messages of the
  • Event: 50 Years of Electronic Music and AudiovisualsInstitution: Folkwang University of the ArtsComment:
  • 8-Bit -
    Popular exhibition of 8-bit technology art featuring Micro Arts 1980s work, showing live generative art, along with 30 prints, displays of 1980s technology such as micro computers, data cassettes, and more. With Sean Clark's interactive audio-visual