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  • Natural Habitat -
    Event: Natural HabitatInstitution: Montevideo / Time Based ArtsComment:
  • Event: Ars Electronica's "Digital senses – when digital data turns into art" exhibitionInstitution: Center for Contemporary ArtComment:
  • Selphish. L'exposition de soi Mécènes du sud Montpellier-Sète, May 20th to August 22nd, 2020 Artists: Martin John Callanan, Alix Desaubliaux, Lauren Lee McCarthy Curators : Thierry Fournier and Pau Waelder Participants : Franck Ancel, Flora
  • Real Time. Art en temps real Arts Santa Mònica 28.01 – 10.04.2016 Artists: Guillem Bayo, Clara Boj i Diego Díaz, Martin John Callanan, Grégory Chatonsky, Thierry Fournier, Varvara Guljajeva i Mar Canet, Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, Nicolas Maigret, Katie
  • Solo Exhibition -
    2019 Solo Show at BEALL Art Center Feb. 8, 2019 - May 2019 Curator: David Familian Works: Fly Simulator, Neuro Mirror, Portrait in the Fly, Interactive Plant Growing, Noise and Smoke, Fly Portraits (of Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, Christiane Paul,
  • Event: Art and Artificial Life - VIDA 1999-2012Institution: Fundación Telefónica PerúComment:
  • Event: Roboterträume – in collaboration with Kunsthaus GrazInstitution: Tinguely MuseumComment:
  • Event: Technoclasm Cyber Arts Japan / Ars Electronica 30 years for Art and Media TechnologyInstitution: MOT Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, JPComment:
  • 2000-6 Untitled PLACE: Japan PARTICIPANTS: Christa Sommerer, Director of the Art and Technology Project, ATR Research Laboratories, Science City; Masamichi Tosa; Nobumichi Tosa, brothers and founders of Maywa Denki, a musical group whose innovations
  • Event: Ars Electronica at Techfest 2011Institution: TechfestComment: