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  • In Solid Landscapes verbildlicht die Künstlerin das unablässige Wachstum von nutzbaren und produktiven (Anti-)Landschaften, indem sie Zeugnisse für den dramatischen Wandel reproduziert und vervielfältigt, der weltweit in zunehmendem Maße vonstatten
  • Cadence was screened daily in the artists’ animated film programme curated by Professor Suzie Hanna for the micro-kino outdoor cinema space, featuring animations that respond to the themes of nature and journey, specially created for the Sculpture
  • Cadence is featured in International Competition – Abstract and Non-Narrative Animation category, Liberec, Czechia (2 to 7 May 2023).
  • Now in its 16th year, Outside the Box is an outstanding annual new music and concert festival.
  • Resonanz der Realitäten - Resonant Realities, Exhibition of the VR ART PRIZE by DKB in Cooperation with CAA Berlin, with Banz & Bowinkel, Evelyn Bencicova, Armin Keplinger, Lauren Moffatt and Patricia Detmering, Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin, April
  • MS’22 -
    MS’22, Kibla Portal, Maribor, 2022
  • Tactile immateriality -
    Tactile immateriality (multimedia event, co-authorship: Aleksandra Bajde (performance), Isabella Forciniti (sound), Sonica festival, 21 April 2023, Cukrarna Gallery, Museum and Galleries of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2023
  • Arte en Maleta - Ciencia, mi musa. Art in a Suitcase, Aether Gallery, San Luis Potosi, Mexico, 2023
  • INS(H)NAK(R)ES -
    This installation was mounted in November 2001 in Athens, Greece, during the event media@terra, as an artist of Brazilian representation
  • Terrarium -
    Exhibition "The Subversion of the Media". Itaú Cultural - São Paulo - SP - Brazil. Period: October 23, 2003 to February 22, 2004. Curated by Maria Alice Milliet