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  • Event: Qu'est-ce que le contemporain?Institution: Ecole d'architecture de NormandieComment:
  • Remapping
    Event: RemappingInstitution: Storefront for Art and ArchitectureComment:
  • Event: The Second Kyoto Meeting on Digital citiesInstitution: JST Japan Science and Technology CorporationComment:
  • Ruth Schnell, lecture: "Body Scanned Architecture - Perception in Movement"
  • 2011 – the year of the tsunami and nuclear disaster in Japan – but also the year of celebrations to mark 150 years of friendship between Germany and Japan. EMAF joined in the festivities by presenting the programme “Japanese Media Art Now”,
  • Event: The Earth is Flat – Slovenian and Chinese Contemporary ArtInstitution: UGM studioComment:
  • Event: Shut Up and Feel!Institution: Architecture as a Social Dialogue, Workshop, Université Polytechnique de VienneComment:
  • MIC Exploration Space -
    1996-98 ATR MIC Media Integration & Communications Laboratories (Ryohei Nakatsu) - Kyoto, Japan
  • Flies in the Sky -
    2017 Empowerment Informatics (EMP) Experience our "Flies in the Sky" VR artwork at the VR Large Space in Tsukuba Curator: Hiroo Iwata - Tsukuba, Japan
  • Science + Fiction -
    2005 "Science + Fiction" (curated by Stefan Iglhaut and Thomas Spring) Miraikan ? National Museum of Emerging Science and Innovation - Tokyo, Japan