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  • inSite 2000 -
    inSITE 2000 beteiligte künstlerInnen: Carlos Amorales, Gustavo Artigas, Judith Barry, Jordan Crandall, Arturo Cuenca, Roman de Salvo, Dias & Riedweg, Mark Dion, Silvia Gruner, Diego Gutiérrez, Jonathan Hernandez, Norma Iglesias & Rita Gonzales,
  • William Kentridge -
    The ensemble, this catalogue and the exhibition document the rich production of work by William Kentridge (Johannesburg, 1955), and especially show that each one of his activities are a way of returning to the act of drawing, an act the artist has
  • Before the background of unforeseen global processes, credit crash and climate change, the exhibition el proceso como paradigma researches the nature of processes and self organising, processual systems on a cultural level and in the arts. el
  • Artists Martin John Callanan, Corby & Baily and Jonathan Mackenzie, Eunju Han, Eduardo Kac, susan pui san lok, Ruth Maclennan and Uriel Orlow, and Thomson and Craighead What is Metadata? As the exhibition outlines, it is data about data,
  • FEEDFORWARD – The Angel of History addresses the current moment in history where the wreckage of political conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forces—largely enabled by the “progress” of digital information
  • n an information-based age, the ability to search and organize information amounts to power. Search engines shape knowledge, modulate web traffic, and contribute to the creation of new semantics and meanings. Currently, Google's influence is
  • In our post-future era of acceleration and densification of information, the state and nature of being live and online becomes one of the crucial definers of our social presence. Response and action are compressed into an existential here and now
  • VideoFest `93 had more to offer than ever before. On the one hand we offered a core programme of the usual high quality. On the other hand we can now boast greater space for all activities – the programme, installations, market, conferences, special
  • The European Media Art Festival was held under this name for the first time in the European Film and Television Year of 1988. The concept envisaged offering visitors and participating artists an informative programme by jointly presenting different
  • Emergentes
    Ayer se ignauró en el Centro Fundación Telefónica, la muestra Emergentes que reúne a 10 artistas de latinoamérica dedicados al arte electrónico. El objetivo de este blog es complementar la muestra y mantenerlos informados de las actividades