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  • ... the development of knowledge of the world, and in the phantom field of illusions and words, in the digital world that tempts virtual reality, and in the hidden from extraneous universe of memory, in the illusory world of cinema and in laws of economic...
  • ...The introduction of virtual reality has led to a pictorial revolution that is radically changing not only our perception of images, but also our relationship with reality. Accessible illusionary worlds conjured up in virtual spheres provide visitors with a very...
  • ... of imagination, is a concern that can be traced far back in art history. Currently, it is mainly the latest technologies of virtual reality that provide access to alternative realities. However, which aspects are crucial for young artists today, in order to...
  • The Unframed World -
    ...In Virtual Reality the viewer overcomes the limited surface of a computer screen. Instead of looking through a window, the viewer exits real surroundings to become part of another world. The Unframed World is the first comprehensive presentation of the artistic use of...
  • Unreal -
    ... still possible to distinguish between simulated and authentic worlds? How intelligent are artificial systems already? Will virtual reality make the human body superfluous at some point? The international group exhibition will showcase works by Akihiko...
  • Cylinder & Bots -
    ... by an incessant contact with computers and social media and lets humans themselves seem like controlled bots in a semi-virtual world. At the same time they draw focus on the programmers creating those algorithms and thereby significantly setting the...
  • ...With Virtual Reality (VR) a fundamental change is taking place in the digital age. Through the VR glasses people enter a new world instead of only looking at it on a flat screen. The human pursuit of immersion already demonstrated within the chambers of Egyptian...
  • Substance -
    ...constructed on the computer as shown in the 3D print series ‘Bodypaintings’ (2014–2016) and ‘Fluids’ (2013) as well as in the virtual reality installation ‘Mercury’ (2017). With their work, Banz & Bowinkel question the concept of simulated reality and thereby human...
  • BIOS -
    ... word for ‘life’. In the four work groups shown in this exhibition, Banz & Bowinkel explore the relationship between the virtual and the real and its connection to the viewer. For this purpose, the artists use cutting-edge technology to create interactive...