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  • Exhibiting artists: - Art Ex Machina (KAWANO Hroi shi, Georg NEES, Ken KNOWLTON, Manfred MOHR, Frieder NAKE, Manuel BARBADILLO) - KIMOTO Keiko - FUJIHATA Masaki - Tamás WALICZKY Curated by: TADA Kaori (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum) Curatorial
  • Curator: Márton Orosz, art historian, director of Vasarely Museum Budapest
  • Event: Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη ή η Νέα Άλφαβιλ (artificial INTELLIGENCE or the New Alphaville)Institution: Fournos Multivalent Communication Network , Hellenic Ministry of CultureComment:
  • "Das Rätsel des Überflüssigen" ("Conundrum of the Superfluous"), curator Serafine Lindemann/artcircolo, for "Klimaherbst 2014/Wie Viel Haben braucht das Sein?" in Munich.
  • Exhibiting artists: Banz & Bowinkel, Tim Berresheim, darktaxa-project, Heather Dewey-Hagborg, Philipp Goldbach, Beate Gütschow, Spiros Hadjidjanos, Fabian Hesse & Mitra Wakil, Baron Lanteigne, Oliver Laric, Simon Lehner, Achim Mohné, Susan Morris,
  • The Future of Reality -
    In The Future of Reality, we ourselves become avatars and intelligent agents within these hybrid media systems, looking back at ourselves and our histories, gazing into uncertain mirrors, and looking ahead to increasingly seamless, incursive,
  • Can algorithms ensure greater neutrality and efficiency? Are they as free from human bias as we usually think? The exhibition ‘Codes and algorithms. Wisdom in a calculated world’ seeks to make sense of this phenomenon and it’s implications. n recent
  • El Barrio is home! -
    Event: El Barrio is home!Institution: Caribbean Cultural Center and African Diaspora InstituteComment:
  • Event: 3rd Artists‘ BiennaleInstitution: Haus der Kunst MünchenComment:
  • Event: Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the WallInstitution: CLB BERLIN | AUFBAU HAUS at MORITZPLATZComment: