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  • Profile Intermedia 4 -
    International Designconference and exhibition. Topic: motion e)motion emotion.
  • Developments in new technologies appear to be revolutionising every aspect of our daily lives. The metaphors of 'revolution' are often applied to the speed of exponential change that the world is experiencing, in part through developments in
  • BEAP 2002: PREMISE -
    BEAP is an international event which includes a conference,symposiums, forum and exhibition presenting the theoretical, cultural and philosophical basis of Electronic Arts practice. The inaugural thematic focus for BEAP is LOCUS, the place where we
  • Simon Biggs -
    As contemporary art practice moves ceaselessly into the vast and infinitely complex field of video and computer technology, the McDougall Art Annex takes pleasure in presenting the work of a leading artist in this area, British-based Simon Biggs.
  • Language of Art -
    Event: Language of ArtInstitution: Kunsthalle WienComment:
  • Artifices 4 -
    Event: Artifices 4Institution: Universitè Paris VIII / Vincennes Saint-DenisComment:
  • 3-d International video-art festival in public spaces Organizers & festival team are Invite artists working with video, animation and new media to participate in the project: Festival dates, June 5 - July 5, 2006 Festival place Moscow, Saint
  • CTRL [SPACE] -
    Rhetorics of Surveillance from Bentham to Big Brother In 1785, the British philosopher Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832), founder of the doctrine of Utilitarianism, began working on a plan for a model prison called the panopticon. The signature feature of
  • Living in Mixed Realities What does it mean to live, play and work in a world shaped and perceived through digital media, networks and architectures of real and virtual space? How can the development of complex communication spaces, life