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  • Intermittent spaces -
    Keynote speaker: “Intermittent spaces.” LLC Sound Arts Visiting Practitioners Series. May 21, 2020. Organized by CRiSAP (Creative Research in Sound Arts Practice) and London College of Communication (LCC). University of the Arts London UAL.
  • Event: Julie Hayward, Ruth Schnell: Strategische Komplemente VIIIInstitution: TANK.3040.ATComment:
  • Call of Duty -
    Event: Call of DutyInstitution: Galerie Lisi HämmerleComment:
  • Exhibit title: #fuckreality
  • Das Mu-Rätsel -
    Shown in the Schauspielhaus Graz as part of the "steirischer herbst" and in the Schauspielhaus Wien in Vienna.
  • Event: … and the bunny goes POP!"Institution: The Horse HospitalComment:
  • Event: Natural History of the EnigmaInstitution: Black BoxComment:
  • Pornograms 1980-1982 -
    Event: Pornograms 1980-1982Institution: Henrique Faria Fine ArtsComment:
  • Dvě ženy/Two women -
    Vašulka Kitchen Brno exhibits two video works by audiovisual artist Matthew Ostrowski, in which a New York native deconstructs the film medium in a new artistic rendering, revealing the hidden meaning of the motifs, shots and messages of the
  • Hitchcock -
    Event: HitchcockInstitution: Kunsthalle TirolComment: