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  • William Kentridge -
    Though William Kentridge is one of the most compelling interdisciplinary artists of our time, five years ago he was largely unknown outside of Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was born in 1955 and continues to live today. There were many reasons
  • the group exhibition Brazil High-Tech (1986), a national videotext art gallery organized in Rio de Janeiro by Eduardo Kac and Flavio Ferraz and presented by Companhia Telefônica de São Paulo. See keyframes of this work here.
  • A exposição Entre Sensíveis Pixels: espaço –tempo – agora leva ao Estúdio Galeria Mamute, uma discussão a respeito da arte em diálogo com as tecnologias digitais e com os questionamentos deste tempo. Uma mostra que pensa a condição na qual o
  • The VII Symposium on Virtual Reality is an international forum, sponsored by (SBC), and organized by SENAC - SP , which brings together researchers, practitioners, students, and other professionals concerned with the advances and applications of
  • Avatar -
    Avatar shows projects by artists who investigate the phenomenon of the 'multiple personality'. In addition to photography, video and installations, projects using new media will be central in the event. During AVATAR a videoscreening will
  • Member of the Mutamorphosis conference Steering Committee organizing Leonardo magazine 40thanniversary celebrations.
  • 2006 TransGenesis -
    Director and curator of the festival of biotechnology and art was part of the annual Week of scienceand technology organized by the Czech Academy of sciences. Over 40 articles, radio and TV entriesfeatured this festival in the Czech media.
  • Theme: affective turbulence, the art of open systems. DEAF, the Dutch Electronic Art Festival, is a biennial international and interdisciplinary festival organized by V2_ in Rotterdam (NL) which showcases crossovers between art, technology and
  • organized by the literaturWERKstatt berlin in cooperation with the Brückner-Kühner Foundation (Kassel) in the special exhibition hall at the Kulturforum Potsdamer Platz, Berlin. At P0es1s, Poetrica is in the Kulturforum and in public space. In the
  • Curator of the game art section, editor of the catalogue and the main organizer of the conference. Press