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  • Event: Natural ScienceInstitution: Artcite Inc.Comment:
  • Event: Host_V4 - part of the Symbiotica group exhibitionInstitution: Ars Electronica Linz GmbH & Co KGComment:
  • Event: Fingerprints...Institution: Schering StiftungComment:
  • Event: Summer Exhibition 2014Institution: Cultivamos CulturaComment:
  • Now is the Time -
    Art Science and Technology Bianual of Zagreb
  • Event: Summer Exhibition 2013Institution: Cultivamos CulturaComment:
  • Event: Spring Exhibition 2016Institution: Kunsthal CharlottenborgComment:
  • Incompatibility is the condition arising when things are not working together. Given the current worldwide proclamations of crisis, be they political, financial, technological or environmental, it may seem as if incompatible elements and situations
  • The net jargon acronym BWPWAP – Back When Pluto Was a Planet is an expression used whenever one wants to talk about things in our recent past that have changed quickly. On August 24th, 2006, at the closing ceremony of their general assembly, the
  • Since 1973, video contributions have taken an essential part in the International Forum of New Cinema at the International Film Festival. 1988, the MedienOperative showed its own programme under the name VideoFilmFest – usually it has only been the