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  • ... the development of knowledge of the world, and in the phantom field of illusions and words, in the digital world that tempts virtual reality, and in the hidden from extraneous universe of memory, in the illusory world of cinema and in laws of economic...
    ... UK artists engaged in Internet and New Media practice have been commissioned to create artworks that simultaneously exist virtually and physically. Rather than having a 'theme' for the artworks, the common denominator is the media itself and the unifying...
  • nano -
    ... Mark Lee, and Anne Rosenberg of Johnston Marklee & Associates. nano also has a strong studio component, including a virtual reality drawing tool developed by Caltech. LACMALab's director, Robert Sain and its exhibition coordinator Kelly Carney,...
  • Mostra Passageiros -
    ... e curadores. Em paralelo à mostra no espaço expositivo do MASM, que aconteceu de 21 a 30 de agosto de 2013, a exposição virtual segue aqui, possibilitando o acesso permanente pela rede, confira! A proposta é construir uma narrativa pautada nas questões...
  • ... enhance appreciation of new media art, the MIMAF brings in a lot of creative works allowing participants to immerge into the virtual space and experience the electronic occupation of art and architecture. The works will also serve to raise questions on how...
  • ...Event: Metaphorical architecture for virtual worldsInstitution: Back to the CAVE, Stuttgarter Filmwinter FestivalComment:
  • ... local stages and open a global window for cultural and societal processes to create a dialogue and connect the local public virtually with the other places throughout Europe. Its long-term vision is to be a catalyst for the creation of a sustainable and...
  • medi@terra 2006 -
    ... it never was just that. Videogames express and reflect today’s world – they are a part of it. The boundaries between the virtual and the real world seem to intertwine, as the virtual spaces become the new public spaces. New identities appear, new roles are...
  • Virtual Showcase
  • ...First Virtual Sudio Live Broadcat of ZKM International Award for Video Art Oct 20 1995