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  • ...Event: VARIATION MEDIA ART FAIR 2017Institution: ArtJawsComment:
  • In the Open -
    ...Event: In the OpenInstitution: Sheffield Institute of Arts GalleryComment:
  • ...Event: Now&After International Video Arts FestivalInstitution: ARTPLAY Design CentreComment:
  • In the Open -
    ...Exhibition of collaborative artworks around place, landscape and environment, curated by Judith Tucker,to accompany the ASLE-UKi LAND2 CMIT...
  • 2005 - Peter Weibel, Narvika Bovcon, Aleš Vaupotič, Jože Slaček, Srečo Dragan
    ... Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie Karlsruhe (Centre for Art and Media Technology) continues its project of the technical and...
  • ... mixing of different countries and the establishing of a global network is realized, shrinking distances in space and time. On the... This exhibit displays art whose basic media consists of machinery, electronics or electronic media. These works are acts of conversation, with...
  • Art Net Lab -
    ...Art Net Lab is a exhibition project of the Academy of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department Art Net Lab is a exhibition project of the Academy of arts and design of the Ljubljana University, Video-New media department
  • Art Net Lab -
    ...Art Net Lab - a exhibition project of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana. Art Net Lab - a exhibition project of the Academy of Fine Arts and Design of the University of Ljubljana.
  • ... Buscando las características intrínsecas del medio, artistas como Malcolm Le Grice (Plymouth, 1940) se desembarazaron de la...