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  • Map Marathon -
    Park Nights Map Marathon: Maps for the 21st Century Saturday and Sunday 16 – 17 October Saturday 16 October, 12–11pm Sunday 17 October, 11am–10pm Major names gather for two-day live event at Royal Geographical Society The Serpentine
  • Eduardo Kac -
    Reconocido internacionalmente por sus instalaciones interactivas y por sus trabajos de bio arte, Eduardo Kac explora la fluidez de la posición del sujeto en el mundo postdigital, cuestionando la evolución, la memoria y hasta la condición de la
  • A Fundação Bienal de São Paulo é uma das mais importantes instituições internacionais de promoção da arte contemporânea, e seu impacto no desenvolvimento das artes visuais brasileiras é notadamente reconhecido. A Bienal de Artes, seu mais importante
  • Much of 20th century society strove to depict 2010 as a shining example of a future framed by technological progress and social harmony. But as 2010 arrived it was clear that global society was neither the utopia nor the dystopia traditionally
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 1999Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 2000Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 2002Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 2003Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Event: Subtle Technologies 2004Institution: Subtle Technologies, Centre for Social InnovationComment:
  • Celebrating World Year of Physics in 2003